
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Monkeyface Photography Collaboration Part 1


Wedding season hits me and then it's go go go all summer long, and June is no exception!  I absolutely love it and wouldn't have it other way, but it takes me away from 2 things.  First, I end up with little time to post on the blog.  I am sorry, I promise to try and do better! Second, I don't have the opportunity as much as I would like to work with families in different stages of their lives other than marriage.  It was so nice to step outside of the box for a weekend and work with Heidi from Monkeyface Photography on two different photo shoots.

Today I am featuring our shoot focused on newborns.  I wanted to showcase some of the fun items we have that I have been dying to use with some darling babies!  ....I didn't buy an infant scale for a wedding you know!  The best part is I have plenty of inventory, and we didn't even use it all!  Don't you worry, I plan to do another newborn photo op. whenever I get the next chance!  So many ideas are spinning in my head now.  I hope this inspires you as much as it did me.  So get creative with our vintage pieces and tie them into your own special occasions and big moments in life; birth of a baby, a wedding, or whatever they may be!  .....Enjoy!

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